

Dash Carts,
and much more.

When we hear the word “store”, we all have a certain image in our minds. But retail is evolving to meet the needs of modern life, and Amazon Stores is leading the way with their physical stores Fresh, Go, and more. They’re a new kind of store — offering a new kind of shopping experience, and a new kind of job.

To communicate this idea, myself and the FKA team at Publicis Groupe created a campaign with two flights. First, to introduce Amazon Stores to the neighborhood. Second, to let people know that where there’s a new Amazon Store, there are exciting new jobs available.

Here is a look at the campaign, which included OOH, print, and radio:

Flight 1 — “A Fresh Introduction”

Flight 1 — “A New Kind of Store”

Flight 1 — “Live and In Person”

Flight 2 — “Now Hiring: You”

Flight 2 — “It Starts With You”